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18 Examples of Brilliant Email Marketing Campaigns [Template] | How to win customers’ hearts and pockets with these seven email strategies webinar

18 Examples of Brilliant Email Marketing Campaigns [Template] | How to win customers’ hearts and pockets with these 7 email strategies webinar

my name is neil patel and i help companies generate more revenue through digital marketing entrepreneur magazine said i was the number one marketer in the world and they also said i created 100 most brilliant companies i started my first website at the age of 16. i took all the money that i earned from working at amusement park and i paid a marketing firm the marketing firm provided no results and i quickly learned that i wasn’t alone out of my frustration and from being broke i had no choice but to learn marketing my first client was a power supply manufacturer i helped him generate another 25 million dollars in sales and from that point i realized the power of marketing i helped everyone that i could and I built my reputation by being honest and over delivering i’ve helped companies like google nbc viacom general motors ebay but nothing’s more satisfying than helping small business owners succeed i founded four multi-million dollar companies and i’ve learned all the mistakes that you should avoid

i’ve written about them on forbes entrepreneur inc fast company and even on my own blogs it’s so awesome to know that colleges from all around the world are teaching my material in their classroom over the years i’ve received awards from the president of the united states the


house of representatives and the united nations people believe marketing is expensive and difficult fortunately that’s not true there is a formula even if you don’t have a technical bone in your body you can get results and my mission is to share this formula with you welcome everyone uh today is a fun day we’re going to be doing a webinar today and today’s webinar is how to win customers hearts and pockets with the seven email strategies so what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna share my screen and we’re going to get started so let’s see share i’m assuming you guys can see my screen colin vignesh you can see my screen yeah i’ll take that as a yes no there we are perfect all right as i mentioned as i mentioned we’re going to be teaching you guys today how to do really well with email marketing we’re going to give you seven strategies if you take the time to implement them you’ll see results a little about me i’m the co-founder of np digital which is an ad agency we’re global we help companies all throughout the world from india to brazil to the united states canada australia uk etc in

many different languages we help companies grow their traffic and more importantly their online leads and sales i’m also the owner of ubersuggest which is a seo tool that helps you get more traffic i’ve worked with a lot of large companies over the years from the facebooks and the microsoft’s the intuit have a lot of awards and the purpose of me saying all this isn’t to brag i don’t think i’m the smartest person around I don’t think i’m the most successful person either it’s more so that i work with these companies and i have these awards because the results the tactics right the tactics and strategies that we’re implementing are creating

results which means this stuff works so today when my team and I break down email strategies for you just keep in mind they’re battle tested they work so if you implement them pay attention to them and they will work and

you already know a little about me I just went over my bio vignesh you want to give a quick introduction on yourself yeah so i’ve been working here for about seven years now i think i run the email marketing department uh you know i i’ve worked with the smb market the enterprise market celebrities you name it all since i’ve joined here uh you know i’m super grateful to be working here you know this is kind of like uh one of my dream jobs like i think sometimes sometimes like some things are beyond dreams you know what i mean like it’s like it’s something you want but it’s like actually better than that so that’s the quick introduction on myself but yeah colin you want to do a quick introduction colin is our vp of growth at np digital yeah thanks neil thanks for having me i’m happy to be here been been doing uh digital marketing for for quite some


time orked with a lot of large enterprise brands but also a lot of smbs and i’m the guy that helps to pull all of the things that we’re doing collectively within digital marketing together um because breaking down the silos is is super important when it comes to digital so how do you know the secrets behind the best email companies right how do we know all this it’s because we’re working on email marketing for some of the largest brands and after you’ve done it for so many times eventually you figure out what works what doesn’t what’s causing growth us and you’re running so many experiments you’re also learning new things because you’re doing it at scale as well and we generate a lot of traffic to companies in all different industries through email from seo through uh

you know because you’re collecting the leads from seo or email leads collecting email leads from paid

collecting it through just organic as well and then we’re doing it for companies in the e-commerce niche b to b b to c lead gen space it literally works in pretty much any industry mailchimp just recently sold for 12 billion dollars to give you a understanding of the size of the market and as i mentioned at our ad agency np digital this image isn’t necessarily up to date but we just set up a a base in the united kingdom and we’re continually adding more and more locations as well and as i mentioned the stuff is working right not just on what we’re implementing for the clients but the people who are watching the webinars and taking the tactics that we’re breaking

down they’re getting great results and this is why we’re also getting amazing testimonials as well so just please if you just do one thing implement at least one of the strategies of the seven that we break down today and if you need any help you can always hit us up and we’re here to help you out as well so let’s break down how to win customers hearts and pockets with the seven email strategies right well you gotta first look at basic versus advanced right who’s using email marketing and it’s actually companies of all sizes from the facebooks to the microsoft’s to you know even small companies that you may have never heard of as well as the big brands you know like as we mentioned facebook microsoft and even apple and people of all sides are leveraging email marketing because it’s working and it’s producing amazing results just think about netflix i get amazing emails from netflix not just on what you should be watching but hey rejoin today right if you end up canceling they’re

doing engagement campaigns to get people back at it so then that way they can end up generating more sales over time as well so before we start you need a campaign strategy without a campaign strategy you’re just sending emails and you’re not really going to see the results that you want with your email marketing and a lot of that is nurturing right so you get people in how can you nurture them build a rapport with them so that

way you get them to buy if you just start sending cold emails randomly to people and you just send them emails in quantity and you don’t build the value the connections giving them so much intrinsic value with the copy that you’re sending they’re like huh i’m getting so much for free let me purchaseif you don’t do that you don’t educate and you’re only just selling you’re not gonna do

well you gotta in essence show people you care by following up by educating by helping all this will help ensure that you do well and convert people in the

long run so let’s break down the strategy you want to kick it off sure um so one of the things that we do

for email marketing that works really well is we like to deploy what you call workflows right so workflows are preset campaigns uh specifically for email marketing that help you perform a specific action so meaning

let’s just say someone goes to your website right and they sign up to a newsletter so on the newsletter what’s ending up happening there is there’s a preset amount of emails there’s a date there’s also a time specifically set for that workflow to be triggered right now that’s a super simple version of a workflow right now there are also much more complex workflows and also just so everyone knows a fun fact is customers are two times more likely to view personalized messages and actually

buy from them versus like a simple message right so that takes us to an example workflow right there um so what you’ll notice is this is a typical ecommerce workflow right so you have uh you know someone who hits the website look at some products and then they either add the cart or they go away right now that’s typically what’s happening what we like to do is we like to have a contingency set for every single time someone is leaving the site so for example someone might leave your site on a cart abandonment someone might leave the website on browse abandonment right so we have workflows for card abandonment browse abandonment you can also see we have customer nurturing workflows we also have post sale upsells returning customer workflows all of those essentially get you more revenue and push people through your sales process so there’s that that also takes us to a few key workflows that you might want to deploy right so as you can see

here the first one is a lead nurturing workflow where someone comes in they’re actually looking at your website they sign up they have no idea who you are would you sell no like trust or anything that lead nurturing sequence then takes them from them nodding have not having any connection with you to the point where they are buying from you right so typically we deploy that on exit intent and lead light boxes on the website right card abandonment like i talked about pretty stable you know someone comes to the website they add something to the cart and then they bounce right you send them a couple emails and try to bring them back so that’s a card abandonment workflow a browse abandonment’s pretty simple you know someone comes to the website they don’t add anything to the cart you basically find them and then you put them into a workflow and say hey this was a product that you were looking at 30 minutes ago go and get that back right so that’s the browse abandonment workflow lastly we also have the product page automation workflow meaning if

someone hits a specific product on the website meaning they’re looking at blue jeans you send them an email specifically saying hey these were the exact blue jeans that you were looking at a moment ago right those work really really well you can also see there’s other workflows such as content abandonment win back workflows and customers we’ll talk more about this

in just a moment so campaigns um what’s happening here is that it’s it’s really tough to just generate roi with just workflows so if you look at that example there uh you can see this client right here generate about 1.2 million dollars from our work from email marketing right they had a combination of workflows eight workflows all the workflows i just talked about we implemented it for them and they also did weekly campaigns holiday promotions such as you know black friday cyber monday all sorts of sales that we ran for them and that is what contributed to that revenue right there so if you want to have a solid email marketing strategy you want to do campaigns and workflows and that’s what generates the highest roi right some campaigns you can see as an example here is on the right side you can see that’s a comparison guide for one of the clients we work with and typically when we do campaigns we send them out at 9am pacific standard time either on tuesday or thursday as those are the days that we have tested to generate the highest roi right thank you and bigness is saying 9am pacific time on tuesday or Thursdays

because this company’s main target audience is in the united states if your target audience is in europe you would have to adjust it to your time zone and you may want to try out 9 a.m within uh the country you’re in right whatever time zone that maybe exactly exactly yep um apart from that you also want to come up with creative angles to promote the same products especially your best

sellers on a week-to-week basis if you don’t you’re leaving a lot of money on the table which is what we’re recommending here so this is a quick example here from one of our clients um you know they’re they used to

actually they still sell music production gear essentially and this email that you see here actually generated them a hundred thousand dollars in sales right and what they did was they had a product like with the original product that they were selling they also had a production suite of music that they gave away as a bonus for the product they also had a facebook group they also had a music production contest going on and also a bonus usb drive with a pat platinum usb drive with exclusive content and that helped them generate a lot of revenue from this email if you guys want uh this email just email us and support neil patel i will send you the exam email and you can use it for

your own promotions so it’s kind of where it’s at um some examples of weekly campaigns you can see this is uh damn bullion this company right here generates about I think 100 million dollars plus in revenue you can see their promotional calendar here every three days they are launching a campaign right it doesn’t matter uh you know what’s happening uh what day it is every week there’s at least three to two campaigns that are going out every single week and that is the large contributor for

their revenue right and the tool that we use to find this out is a tool called so you can google it mail charts uh it’s really simple you can get a free trial and go add in all your competitors they will send you exactly uh you know what your competitors are doing from a campaign standpoint as well as a workflow standpoint this is another example from gillette so not only are they giving you the exact promotional strategies of your competitors they’re also giving you exactly what the cadence is what the emails are what the offers are every single thing is broken up so you can kind of like go and use that as a great tool to kind of start working on your own email marketing to begin with all right so cadence thanks thanks finish way to we had a tm cadence so you know i think that a lot of a lot of companies both large and small really miss the mark here and neil mentioned this early on you know email marketing is about creatingrelationships with the people that have basically opted in to get information from from you as a business so understanding how those workflows are set up how they’re tied to the campaigns and then also how we want to send those emails you know on a regular basis is actually a really really really important part of a successful email marketing campaign you know readers

want to to get to know you but i think it’s important for them and for you to understand you know what’s important to them it’s super important critical to maintain look feel voice and schedule across those workflows across those campaigns because we don’t want to confuse the end user thinking that things are coming from different folks we’ve tested this time and time again and when you have maybe promotional workflows you know talking to non-promotional workflows we’ve actually seen huge increases in conversions and revenue upwards of 70 percent you know if you have something that that’s really valuable and scalable it’s fairly easy to to promote it and execute it and that’s the best chance that you’re gonna have to actually get more dollars out of out of your emails so next slide please

so i mentioned promotional campaign strategies and how critical it is to to not have those in a silo this is an example of what various promotional campaigns might look like and

i think having this planned out as far in advance as possible is important but it’s it’s also important not to just look at your promotional strategies in a

silo you know let’s look at drip campaigns and other campaigns that we’re using to to try and nurture those leads to make sure that they have consistent messaging that there’s one voice one tone um because you know without that you’re not going to see that 70 increase that we showed on that previous slide another super important critical point to email marketing and one thing to keep in mind here when you look at the screen if you look under type you’ll see reminder newsletter survey webinar promo they’re

rotating up the type of copy and by rotating up it also can give different value to different people because some people may feel that a newsletter is more valued than a webinar and some people may feel webinars more valuable than a newsletter so by trying different types of content you’ll see what appeals to your audience you’ll be able to also boost your conversion rate because through that testing you’ll figure out what you should be sending more of from a type perspective and what you should be sending less of yeah and i think that even before you send emails like figuring out you know the check boxes that you provide end users as to what sort of information they’re willing to receive via email is another important step

throughout that process too so let’s get confirmation that they’re okay with newsletters promotional you know emails et cetera et cetera and in addition to that it allows you to tailor your message to make it more customized and specific you know to those end users um so next up after cadence is is tech strategy i mean before you send anything you really need to figure out you know

what what’s going to land in people’s inboxes what’s not going to be flagged as spam you know you want to make sure that all of your hard work actually gets found and read um so lots of acronyms here but i i think you know understanding and authenticating you know your business and and the fact thatthese emails are coming  from you it is critical um so go do some google searches on google postmaster you know google provides lots of information dkimspf you know dmarc mx records these are all things that are fairly technical in nature but we need to make sure that we sort of pass the sniff test if you will you know before we start sending out

emails to everyone on our list you know otherwise as i

mentioned before none of this stuff is going to get opened and it’s not going to get read so a couple of examples the the setup authentication you know this is bigger than a lot of folks might might understand i mean there are a lot of people out there you know spam nobody nobody likes spam but authenticating your email it verifies that the email address that your business is using you know is actually coming from from your business and not from somebody else not from some fraudster so you know this is you know one of the biggest things that we recommend that you check first is make sure that you’re setting it up and you’re authenticating um go to the next slide i’ve got some

examples of some pretty cool tools so never bounce you know uses an email validation verification technology this is actually before the email capture so you know when when you’re asking people to sign up for your newsletter or for your emails in general you know let’s authenticate that those emails are in fact real you know before we even put them in our database and before we start sending emails to those individuals so that’s that’s one awesome tool that’s that’s totally free you know all of the platforms these days have spam check functionalities um you know i don’t know how often um happens to me probably once a week hey this email never came through oh check your

spam filter every every day every week you know new keywords and new things are being added to spam filters and most of the platforms give you the ability to check and make sure that your email will not be one of them you know so look for spam check functionality within your provider inbox testing is another one i mean whether it’s gmail or outlook i mean there’s a gazillion different types of platforms in ways that users actually

consume your emails you know let’s make sure that the email that you’re getting ready to send you know actually renders properly looks good um it’s what you know you want the user to see across a variety of different platforms so that’s another cool tip and then so after you’ve validated your your email and you’re sending emails you know we recommend that you go and check your center score every once in a while you know ideally you want a baseline and you want this to go up you know this is something that can be optimized and something that will just improve your your open rates and improve everything that you’re doing about about email and then we consolidated some of those tools that i just walked through litmus return  path sender score etc check all of those out most of them have you know free options you know bookmark them and get in the habit of using them and then lastly in my section you know email copy you know has to be part of the strategy right like we want people to open your emails we want people to engage with those emails we want people to scroll you know down those emails and we want people to you know not opt out headlines bullets links and probably you know the most important thing is all of your emails should have some sort of a hook and if we go to the next slide i’ve got some examples of what that might look like so yes we want to increase sales and we you know email can do a lot of different things you know but one thing that we also want to do is we want to make sure that we’re not d we’re not decreasing the number of people that are signed up to receive our emails so we want to make sure that we’re testing small subtitles we want to make sure that we’re always talking about our value prop you know so point one and two um I i think are really good examples of ways that we would open up and sort of build that

relationship that we’re talking about i think point three you know is a critical one too emails are a critical way for us to connect and to keep in touch we provide exclusive

coupos we send exciting content we provide you updates who doesn’t like coupons who doesn’t like exciting

content so you know giving users that hook is something that we always recommend and regardless of what workflow we’re talking about we think that all emails should have some sort of hook in them okay um so let’s also talk about creating marketing campaigns that actually sell right so that’s where we talked about the technology side of things talked about workflows and campaigns now let’s talk about what to put inside those campaigns and workflows right so one of the things that is super critical to understand

is no one really knows exactly what to put in an email that will generate sales that’swhy we actually have this process called full

process surveys where you actually deploy surveys to customers to non-customers for back-end offers like if someone does not take your upsell you want to email them and say hey can you tell us more about why you didn’t take this upsell is there anything we could have done better uh you know is there anything we could have done in the user experience like asking them questions will tell you exactly what the user needs to know to actually convert right that’s that’s the critical piece here right that a lot of email marketers don’t do they don’t actually ask the users and customers what they could be

doing better and then doing it so there is that uh that also leads us to a couple other advanced tactics um sometimes people don’t necessarily give you the real answer on a survey so if you survey 100 people they’re not necessarily going to give you the real answer you know most of the time so at those points and if you’re just getting started with email marketing you have 100 subscribers i would recommend sending out an email saying hey uh like from your actual inbox not from your autoresponder you actually have your inbox and you send them a personal email saying hey um you know

i am the founder of xyz company and i’m looking to understand what we could do better what are your challenges would you like to schedule a 15 uh conversation right and what this does is it actually gives you um like 15 minutes to kind of go through things with them and actually understand what they’re going through right because in a 15-minute conversation you could understand so many things about the user that you just can’t understand through a survey or reply from them and so on so it’s a really wonderful tool now uh what we are trying to do with email marketing is we’re trying to improve these metrics so in terms of uh uh like analytics this is what we’re measuring and improving on a day-to-day basis right number one is your list size has your list grown in the last 30 days right has your open rates gone up or

down in the last 30 days click rates have they gone up or down revenue per mailing has that gone up or down right so all of these are metrics that really matter uh there’s also some metrics you want to decrease like your unsubscribe rate needs to go down right your spam complaints need to go down your bounce rate needs to go down your open rates might segment should go up right and monitoring these exact metrics give you the exact ammunition for you know if your email marketing is working or if it’s not working right so that’s kind of what’s happening there so um from there that leads us into uh some interesting points here so once you get this data what you are doing is you are recalibrating your marketing based off of that right because with email marketing you are essentially marketing to the same person over and over again uh in a group right so if you were to send the same type of messaging

over and over to them it actually is like your open rates and click rates will go down over time but if you do these steps that we’ve just talked about you can actually pivot your strategy and tactics to move towards what actually will work in 2021 or going into 2022 right and that is what we suggest now there’s also some uh amazing value that email marketing has that other marketing channels just don’t have for example uh if you look at the next slide what

you’ll notice is that

uh with email marketing you’re going to

see what’s called lifetime customer

value right so ltv

on average your ltv for e-commerce

specifically uh is going to be 10x

the original transaction depending on

the market right so this is a client of

ours as you can see here they’ve had 36

000 customers who placed over 293 000

orders over a 10-year timeframe right


typically with other channels like

measuring lifetime value like this is uh

pretty tough but with email you can see

it’s consistently taking a customer

who’s paying 37 average order value and

having them come back over and over and

over again in this case they’re coming

back at least nine to ten times right

and typically what’s happening here is

that uh that customer

cumulatively these customers these uh

you know 36 000 customers have given

this business about 10 million dollars

in revenue now great thing that’s also

happened with email marketing is that

you can actually figure out like through

predictive analytics tools that exist in

almost every crm these days is that you

can actually figure out when they’re

going to buy

next and then send them an email exactly

the moment that we think you know at

least the system thinks that they’re

gonna get you know purchase again which

is really cool it’s not really hard to

set up it just uh requires some know-how

on how to set that up


um that takes us to the next slide so

let’s talk about the holidays right the

holidays are coming up you know we’re

technically going into q4 and q4 is the

most profitable time for

e-commerce and you know businesses in

general right so here are some

uh facts that’ll kind of help you

understand this a little bit more so on


uh an average american spends about one


forty eight dollars like over a thousand

dollars on average on uh items like

decorations candies gifts all that

deloitte actually forecasts the holiday

retail sales in 2021 uh this year is

actually going to be about 1.2 to 1.3

trillion dollars from november to

january right which is huge so if you’re

not doing email marketing you’re

actually missing out big time right

especially with e-commerce sales

projected to be about 218 billion of

that 1.3 trillion dollars right so here

are a couple things you need to be uh

doing if you’re going to be

marketing during the holidays right so

you want to do what’s called trust

building campaigns right such as social

proof campaigns that you get you can

take all of the customers you’ve had in

the last 12 months take all the most

profitable start with that not a

profitable but all the nice things and

all their testimonials put them in an

email send it to your like non-buyers

and that’s going to help convert a lot

of customers what i mean number two you

can actually get your best customers to

review your product and actually

use that in an email right like send

your own unboxing video right there’s

also holiday campaigns like black friday

cyber monday christmas right those are

huge huge uh you know days that you need

to actually hit to generate the most roi

right there’s also content-based

campaigns where you’re sending out

content to your users to help them out

uh you know with content because you

can’t just keep mailing them uh you know

offers every single day right there’s


there’s also new category products and

releases so if you have new products

coming up in the in winter you

definitely want to push that out as fast

as you can so that’s kind of where it’s


and these are the dates that uh matter

you can pause and like look at these but

these are the dates that you want to be

sending emails on no matter what right

so uh you can take a screenshot of this

like review this later but this is a

few days that matter a lot

from profit standpoint so

uh yeah i will hand it back uh

to oh this there’s this as well um so

dedicated email so if you don’t have

your own email list this is like a last

hack for you if you don’t have your own

email list what we suggest is you can

actually go find a blog or find like an

influencer in your space and borrow

their list now meaning like you don’t

buy it or anything like that you pay

them a small amount of money

for you to basically send one email to

their list right one dedicated email and

there’s a lot of lenders in the

marketplace that allow you to do that so

even if you don’t have your own list you

can work with someone else’s list and

still do these campaigns uh and see some

good revenue as a result of that so

uh i will then hand it back to now

cool so let’s go over bonus case studies

so give you some examples here’s email

marketing for somatics cinematics as

vignesh mentioned uh he led this up he

did an amazing job here along with the

team as well

they sell music-related stuff if you

want to be a dj or audio related stuff

like voiced up

tracks most of its digital not really

too much equipment based stuff

and they were trying to reach gen z

and the solution with them was to create

a funnel and then a webinar uh with

upsells down sales and use email


and the team ended up helping them

generate 4.5 million dollars in revenue

over eight product launches and their

subscriber base was over 1.1 million

users which was amazing

and if you just look at the screenshot

here email drove a lot of revenue 1.7


and it’s just something that you

shouldn’t take for granted and somatics

isn’t the biggest company out there

right there’s a lot of

big companies and for bigger companies

you’ll even see a much bigger dollar

amount but they’re still a smb and as a

smb email

is super powerful and you shouldn’t take

your granted no matter what business

size you are

here’s one of my old sites i no longer

own it quick sprout

new people ended up taking it over a few

years back

received six hundred thousand visits a

month and we were doing webinars seven

percent click through rate with the

webinar registration forty two percent

of the


uh registered for the webinar and 8.5

close rate of the webinar uh attendees

and uh the numbers were pretty good you

know through email marketing we were

able to increase leads by 305

and it drove 140 of the sales what was

really interesting with the email

marketing is

50 of our sales roughly sometimes a

little bit more sometimes a little bit

less came from the webinar but roughly

50 percent came within a seven day time

window mainly through email marketing

and a lot of it was on day six and day

seven specifically

and the team as well did an amazing job

with this one oma which is a big

publication in the

marketing realm with a lot of cmos read

uh we’re a finalist they haven’t

announced the winner yet for our email

marketing campaign with bavarian

clockworks um

you know bavarian clockworks is a

company that ends up selling clocks you

can check them out but email’s done

extremely well for them you can see some

of the stats right here on the screen

but the stuff that we’re doing the

strategies like that we talked about

today that colin and veganish talked

about as well as the rest of our team

we’re implementing it on our clients and

it’s working hence awards and you know


brought up as one of the finalists

because the tactics are working so just

make sure you implement at least one of

them and you’ll be better off

the big mistake that people make in

marketing i’ve seen this time and time


they have all these ideas when it comes

to marketing they did one too many

things they try to find the latest and

the hottest thing out there instead of

just focusing and double downing on

what’s work if you think about email

marketing it’s not sexy no one talks

about it compared to you know instagram

but it works right it’s not the latest

tick tock or snapchat but it works so

don’t take these old channels for

granted and if you ever need help and

you want my team to do it for you right

we have a proven tracker just go to

and you can always follow the lead form


so now let’s go into questions

barbara do you want to end up bringing

down some of the questions that people

have and we can get them answered

um and this is also quite interesting

you guys should also check this out and

use it one of you know and i’ll share an

interesting stat for you

when we do a webinar we typically can

get a hundred plus leads just from

people taking up their phone which i’m

holding on the screen and then

scanning their camera with that qr code

and it ends up generating leads so if

you do webinars or you do marketing

consider having qr codes within your

images or at the end of your webinars

it’s a great way to generate leads we

use it works extremely well and you can

also do then get to lead generation form

and work with us by just skinning your

camera on it as well but let’s get into

some questions barbara

yes hi everyone this is barbara here

from eos team

and i have some exciting questions that

people are always asking about email

that i thought would be interesting to

share with everyone

um so the first question is

uh what are some that’s for neil by the

way what are some of the advantages of

using an agency instead of my email

marketing campaigns in-house so yeah

what’s the difference there

so you can use it in-house there’s

nothing wrong with either approach um

sometimes you can get it done cheaper

in-house if you’re a really large

corporation if you’re not you may not

need full-time dedicated email resources

so in some cases it can actually be

cheaper to use the agency than hiring

someone full-time

the second advantage and this is the

biggest one is more so

you can end up

when you run your own campaign you’re

learning from your own results with the

agency we have so many clients in so

many different spaces we’re taking our

learnings from all of our clients

aggregating it and using it

to make better informed decisions for

our clients so they typically see

results much quicker and they can see

better improvements because we’re seeing

data and mass scale from many different


amazing next question is for colin what

are the best ways to encourage opt-in i

want to build my list from scratch

provide options

i mean i think that that’s that’s the

best way

to to not only get more people added to

the list but to

tailor the messaging once you have your

list and what i mean by options is when

you’re capturing the email

ask more questions don’t just ask for an

email address you know what sort of

information do they want to see you know

are there specific categories or

subcategories that they’re more

interested in i mean if they select yes

guess what you know now we have the

ability to sort of segment personalize

and tailor our emails to be more

specific to you know the information

that they actually you know want to

receive from us so i would just say take

take a look at the the options on your

form before you even capture the email

that’s that’s the recommendation

all right great question

now vignesh uh we have a question what’s

the ideal client to since you know you


directing our email marketing area so

it’s the ideal client to work with us at

the agency


typically if the business is stable so

for example if they have at least

half a million dollars in sales they’ve

been in business for at least two years

and they have a customer list the week

in email

those are the best type of customers

because they already have an asset that

we can use to

bring them roi really quickly right

because typically with a lot of our

clients uh they tend to see an roi like

within the first three months or so only

because they are a great fit so if there

is a you know revenue backup their

business is stable and they have

customers and we can definitely help

them in terms of email marketing

can i maybe

can i pile on to that one barbara real

quick um yeah

i i think i think we also


enjoy working with clients where we’re

servicing those clients across multiple

channels and or touch points

because email is a really good closer

but and it’s a great way to to nurture

the leads but if we’re also managing

things like paid search or paid social i

think it allows us to be more effective

for our clients because we’re we’re kind

of connecting the dots throughout the

customer journey so anytime we’re

managing multi-channel for for some of

our clients i think those those clients

are the ones that see the most success

for sure absolutely

you’re right um there are a bunch of

questions also about you know what

should i do with a disengaged list and

how to make sure my emails don’t end up

in the spam folder so can you guys talk

a little bit more about that

sure so with the disengaged list

and i’ll actually break down a few


so when you send up emails a portion of

your people are going to be active no

matter what whether you send an email a

month ago or five months ago or one week

ago just some people are genuinely

active and some people are not if you

have the longer it takes you to send out

an email you know the higher percentage

you’re going to have of people disengage

uh and what people’s gut inclination is

is hey i’m just going to keep sending

them emails

and if you do that what you’ll find is

if you send emails and too many emails

to people who don’t open them

they’ll actually start showing up in the

quote unquote spam box or other inbox

and what these

solutions like gmail and outlook will do

or hotmail

they won’t put them in the inbox even if

someone didn’t mark them as spam if you

keep sending emails to someone that

doesn’t open them they’ll just push them

away and not show it to that person

so then as i mentioned a portion of your

list is engaged

but if the majority of your list isn’t

engaged and you keep sending emails to

everyone but the majority don’t ever

open them and then gmail stops showing

to them the people who were opening up

will eventually

slowly start seeing your emails

disappear and not show up in their inbox

and they may show up in spam because

what their algorithms will do say hey

the majority people aren’t interested in

this so let’s just start pushing it to


it’s a lot of large numbers so what i

would do is take your

list if they’re not engaged well start

sending educational emails and emails

that provide just so much value like go

above and beyond and give them stuff if

possible for free that people would

normally pay for whether that’s good

content or webinars or free ebooks or

courses or even products with discounts

or free

they just pay for shipping

give them something that really gets

them engaged back and after you do that

a few times

then what i would recommend doing is

separate the non-openers with the


and eventually start slowly scrubbing

off the non-openers from your list so

then that way it’s not affecting the


great those are great tips

um so now we have a question about of

course black friday cyber monday um

i guess vignesh or colin do you want to

let people know how to better prepare

for it for those um holiday season

sure i could start off colin so

real quickly what you want to do with

black friday and what we’re doing for

all of our clients is we actually have

the black friday cyber monday campaigns

done already for them right only because

when you’re doing something like last

minute for as big as like a black friday

it’s really really tough to actually

make an impact right but if you have all

of those done two months in advance

you have a lot of room to work with you

have different variations that you can

test at a later stage right so

my highest recommendation is get all of

those emails like all of the christmas

black friday cyber monday you know

thanksgiving like all those emails done

today or in the next couple weeks before

those actually come up this way you have

time to test see what’s happening and

just you know adjust and recalibrate


yeah and then i’ll pile on just just

saying that

data is our friend and you know black

friday cyber monday comes every year you

know how how were those campaigns if you

have that data last year what were the

findings what did you learn from those



consider testing ad copy before cyber

monday you know within places like page

search you know as an example to see if

you know some headlines garner better

click-through rates there’s a lot of

testing that can be done on other

channels to essentially help connect and

inform you know what you’re doing from

an email perspective but data is our

friend you know take a look at whatever

data you might have from last year and

then test whenever you can strategically

in in other platforms you know like paid

search paid social


um vignesh i’m sure people would love to

know what are some challenges that you

faced with clients and how you resolve


okay um

sometimes uh there are a couple

scenarios number one is someone who

hasn’t ever sent email right they don’t

know what to send they literally are

just starting so at that point

that’s when we do those surveys i talked

about and those phone calls and stuff if

the client does it essentially and

figure out

uh exactly what

uh works right what should be sent what

type of promotion should be sent right

and those surveys actually work really

really well like you could even send the

survey out and ask people hey what type

of promotions do you want to see on

black friday what what do you want from

us from cyber monday like what could we

do for you that will fulfill your needs

and make you really happy and stay our

customer the long term right so that is

like a lot of like what we do is

initially when we begin a contract to

figure out what’s happening now there’s

also times where you know someone comes

in they actually have been doing email

really really well and for some reason

their deliverability drops off right so

at that point we actually go and do a

full deliverability audit like we work

on there

as colin talked about we work on their

spf we work on their dmarc they dkim we

basically make sure everything’s set up

correctly we go to different isps and

you know email service providers and

basically verify the ip address verify

the domain actually helps with the

inboxing and that actually helps solve

their inbox issues and then thus helping

them generate more revenue so those are

like two scenarios but i could go on and

on but i think that’s like a good start

unless i’m missing something barbara

no no you’re not um we have so many

great cases um that vignesh has led


i mean i’m sure there were there were

also a lot of

challenges with those but

we can always overcome them and email is

one of the highest roi channels if not

the highest that we see in all of our

our clients so it’s very valuable um now

we have a question of course every time

we run a webinar people are wondering

how can they

how they can work with us

and hire us to take care of in this case

of their um e-commerce and their email

marketing or if they’re in other

industries too how can they submit a

request so in fact there is i can answer

this question there is a

qr code that shows up in the screen you

can scan it and

then convert on that page and we’ll get

in touch with you


all right so we have a few more

questions do do we have time for a few


let’s do it good


uh the people are asking what are the

best kind of subject lines

so out of everything that i’ve tested

and it’s going to depend on your

audience but typically casual like a

friend would write to you short to the

point um people don’t always capitalize

everything in their subject lines like

when just imagine a friend writing an

email to you so think of subject lines

like that putting someone’s name in a

subject line typically increases

conversion rates from what we’ve tested

as well so that should give you some

ideas on what to potentially use

great someone has just asked in the

comments how do you improve your

copywriting skills

um i could just say you need to write a

lot of copy and study really great

marketing and copy so i would recommend

going to mail charts and just seeing how

great email copies written by some

really huge brands and that will give

you a lot of insights that you otherwise

wouldn’t have right so i would start

with that if there wasn’t you know like

a starting point uh

yeah and make sure make sure that you

sign up and i’m sure you have

receive emails from all your competitors

you know what do you like about what

what they’re doing and can you maybe


you know from from what the competition

is doing and then you know abt always

always be testing

and that includes copywriting


well another interesting question we

have here is how do i send the right

content to the right customers and how

do i know um what they like i

think you’ve answered that with your

surveys right bigness how important they

are but if anyone wants to add anything

else to that

yeah i’ll i’ll

repeat that survey is probably the best


but i think

everything in moderation right but i

mentioned it earlier you know what other


can you ask before you capture that


to better segment the the customers and

and then tailor the message specific to

them i think that that’s that’s

something that’s often overlooked

okay i think we are good

uh maybe one more question and then

we’ll wrap it up

uh the last question is what’s the best

frequency to send emails simple one

it depends on the audience but what i

would recommend doing is at least a few

times a week if you start doing like

once a day gets a little bit too

aggressive a few times two three times a

week i’ve usually found for most

industries and most companies that’s

typically the sweet spot

and of course everyone thank you guys

for attending

bigness colin barbara uh solomon russell

team for putting this together and all

you guys listening i and answering

questions i know you guys have other

things to do and you have busy mondays

so thank you guys for joining

thank you so much everyone

thank you guys thanks guys have a great


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